Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Third Assignment-Project Plan

After all, here comes the final assignment!!! We gotta make a poster.I was thinking on what I should make for my poster.Then, the idea just came across my mind. I can just use the logo of my second assignment and just make it much better. So, I'm going for 'The Drowning World' for the title.

My Approach

I'm just gonna use the simple tool such as pen tool, type tool, rectangle tool, mesh tool and paint live bucket.

The Third Assignment-References

This is the references for my third assignment.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Second Assignment

This is the work of my second assignment. I've added up the image of an iceberg and a bright sun to my graphic work, even the snowman itself is on the surface of ice. I've chosen the iceberg as my background image to the snowman because i want to make it clear here that the north and South Pole of this world is the most affected area, no thanks to the process of the ozone layer thinning. I've also had put the bright sun there to show that the ozone layer nowadays is becoming thinning day by day. Keep on following on my graphic project as there will be updates on this project in the future.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Final Logo

My Reference

Last but not least, in the making of this snowman, I have been using some pictures as a reference.